JETLEE, a distinguished international journal published by Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe, adheres to a meticulous peer-review process that upholds scholarly standards and promotes quality research in the fields of English Language Teaching, linguistics, and literature. This journal operates under the principles of double-blind peer review, where both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous to each other. The review process is designed to ensure the credibility and rigor of the published research.

Review Process Overview:

1. Editorial Receipt and Evaluation: Upon receiving a manuscript from the author(s), the editorial team conducts an initial assessment. This involves evaluating the manuscript's alignment with the journal's aims and scope, adherence to the in-house style guidelines, and the presence of supplementary data. Manuscripts that do not meet these criteria may be rejected at this stage.

2. Plagiarism Screening: The editorial team meticulously screens manuscripts for plagiarism using both offline and online databases. Manuscripts exhibiting major plagiarism are subject to rejection. In cases of redundancy or minor plagiarism, authors are contacted for clarification.

3. Reviewer Assignment: Manuscripts passing the initial evaluation are assigned to at least two reviewers. The reviewers receive the manuscript along with a review form. This double-blind review process ensures that both the reviewer's identity and the author's identity remain confidential.

4. Reviewer Evaluation: Reviewers carefully evaluate the manuscript's content, methodology, relevance, and originality. They provide constructive feedback and suggestions for improvement, along with their recommendation for acceptance or revision.

5. Reviewer Feedback and Revised Manuscript: Reviewers submit their completed review forms to the editor, potentially including a revised manuscript if deemed necessary. Authors then receive these evaluations, enabling them to make informed revisions.

6. Editorial Decision: The editor makes a decision based on the reviewers' feedback and recommendations. Decisions may include rejection, major revision, minor revision, or acceptance. This step ensures that only high-quality research meets the journal's standards.

7. Confirmation to Author: Authors are notified of the editorial decision, along with the rationale behind it.

8. Revisions and Resubmission: If revisions are requested, authors diligently address the reviewers' comments and suggestions. The revised manuscript should be promptly returned to the editor. Manuscripts returned later than three months may be treated as new submissions.


Data Preservation and Review Policy:

JETLEE values the preservation and sharing of research data to enhance global knowledge and impact. To this end, the journal employs the Harvard Dataverse for data preservation. The review policy for data-related matters encompasses the following:

Deposited Datasets: Research datasets should be treated as integral components of the article during the peer review process.

At Acceptance Stage: Prior to the final manuscript version, authors are required to submit the underlying dataset, accompanied by a description of its creation process. Any deviations from prior versions and the software tools employed should be documented.

Privacy and Data Availability: Datasets stemming from studies involving human participants should uphold privacy standards, as outlined in the Data Availability Policy. Authors are encouraged to meet the "minimal dataset" criterion detailed in this policy.

JETLEE's comprehensive peer-review and editorial process underscores its commitment to academic excellence, research integrity, and the advancement of knowledge in the realms of English Language Teaching, linguistics, and literature.