JETLEE, the esteemed Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature, stands at the forefront of the open access movement with a resolute commitment to enhancing the visibility and accessibility of scientific research papers. Our mission is to break down barriers and empower readers and institutions by providing seamless online access to a wealth of knowledge, all while maintaining an uncomplicated and user-centric approach.

Unrestricted Online Access: We firmly believe that valuable research should be freely accessible to all. JETLEE ensures that readers can explore our collection of scholarly articles without encountering any obstacles such as royalties, mandatory personal information submission, or cumbersome log-in procedures. We prioritize accessibility, allowing readers to engage with our content conveniently and efficiently.

Open Access Policy: Embracing the principles of open access, our journal liberates research from traditional limitations. Under the umbrella of our open access policy, every reader is granted the privilege to:

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No Charges: JETLEE's open access policy ensures that our readers are not burdened with any charges or fees for accessing, utilizing, or engaging with our articles. We firmly believe that knowledge should be unshackled from financial constraints, and we are dedicated to fostering a community where scholarly discourse and intellectual growth flourish unhindered.

At JETLEE, we champion open access not only as a concept but as a fundamental practice. Our journal is a beacon of free and unrestricted access, promoting the exchange of ideas, the advancement of research, and the empowerment of readers and researchers worldwide.

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