About the Journal
SYARAH: Journal of Islamic Law and Economics is a peer-reviewed journal published by the Faculty of Sharia, Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute, Aceh, Indonesia. This is a journal that focuses on the study of Sharia Law and Economics, seeking to become a forum for scientific studies both theory and practice in the realm of Islamic Law and Sharia Economic Studies. Syarah: Journal of Islamic Law and Economics is published in July and December
Editors accept scientific articles in the form of conceptual texts or research results in accordance with the nature of Islamic law and economics, including family law, Islamic law, Islamic jurisprudence studies, Islamic economic law, Islamic political jurisprudence, and Islamic comparative law.
General Manuscript Provisions: Please read and understand the author's guidelines thoroughly. Authors who submit manuscripts to the editors of the Journal of Islamic Law and Economics must follow the guidelines for writing manuscripts according to the "article template" that is available and can be downloaded on the side bar of this website. If the submitted manuscript does not follow the guidelines or uses a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team prior to review. The Editorial Team will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements.