Vol. 7 No. 2 (2023): IDARAH (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Kependidikan)

Published: 2023-12-31

All articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 21 authors from 7 countries.
Geographical Coverage: Indonesia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and Thailand.
Available online since December 2023


Transforming Online Learning Management: Generative Models on ChatGPT to Enhance Online Student Engagement Scale (OLE)
Page: 135-148
Abstract view: 758
Article download: 447
Transforming Online Learning Management: Generative Models on ChatGPT to Enhance Online Student Engagement Scale (OLE)
Abstract view: 758 Article download: 447 Page: 135-148
Page: 149-164
Abstract view: 104
Article download: 137
Abstract view: 104 Article download: 137 Page: 149-164
Page: 183-196
Abstract view: 271
Article download: 796
Abstract view: 271 Article download: 796 Page: 183-196
Page: 165-182
Abstract view: 183
Article download: 122
Abstract view: 183 Article download: 122 Page: 165-182
Page: 197-212
Abstract view: 171
Article download: 84
Abstract view: 171 Article download: 84 Page: 197-212
The Relationship of Zakat Management Organization (ZMO) to the Effectiveness of Higher Education Management
Page: 213-226
Abstract view: 178
Article download: 68
The Relationship of Zakat Management Organization (ZMO) to the Effectiveness of Higher Education Management
Abstract view: 178 Article download: 68 Page: 213-226
YouTube and English Learning: Transformative Impact on Self-Regulated Learning Competencies
Page: 227-240
Abstract view: 226
Article download: 127
YouTube and English Learning: Transformative Impact on Self-Regulated Learning Competencies
Abstract view: 226 Article download: 127 Page: 227-240