Author Guidelines

Ash-shudur: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam accepts articles. The articles submitted will be selected by an editorial team. Articles submitted for publication in Konseling Religi should conform to the following guidelines

  1. Before sending the article, the author must register in the web open journal system of the Jurnal Konseling Religi. Can be accessed at
  2. The articles must follow the focus and scope of the Ash-Shudur Journal and according to the theme
  3. The articles are the results of the writer's paper which do not indicate plagiarism which are evidenced by the results of the plagiarism check aplication by the editorial team. Plagiarism tolerance should be under 20 percent
  4. Articles have not been published in journals or other publishing media or are in the process of publishing in other journals
  5. Articles are the result of research or conceptual study.
  6. Articles consist of 4000-6000 words outside of titles, abstracts, and bibliography
  7. Articles are written in English
  8. The organisation of the writing is followed the template of Ash-shudur Journal.
  9. Template journal can be accesed here
  • The article framework covers
  • Title: Written in black bold. Not more than 16 words. There should no be abbreviated sentencesThe author's name (without a title) is written in bold
  • Author’s institution, city and country
  • Author's email address
  • Abstract: Contains 150-200 words. Contains the scope of research, research objects, objectives, methods, and research results
  • Keywords consist of 3-5 words
  • Preliminary: The background contains research results, research facts, research problems and not researchers' opinions
  • Research methods
  • Platform/theoretical study
  • Discussion: Contains the results of research. Contains discussion with other theories in the form of comparison and or confirmation and or negation and/or other developmet of theory/research
  • Conclusion: Conclusion does not contain a summary of research results. Conclusion contains criticism, suggestions, and steps for developing further research
  • Bibliography

10. In writing references and bibliography using the Chichago Manual Style
11. References used are not more than the last 7 year
12. It is recommended to use Mendeley or Zotero reference management
13. It is recommended to cite articles in the Ash-shudur Journal
14. Willing to follow the rules and the process of publishing the Ash-shudur Journal
15. Before submitting, MAKE SURE that the article is really in accordance with the theme and author guidelines
16. This file of author guidelines can be downloaded Here