Analysis of KLBF, KAEF and SID Share Price Comparison Before and After Covid-19 Enters Indonesia


  • Shelly Midesia Institut Agama Islam Negeri Langsa, Indonesia



Capital Market, Covid-19 Pandemic, KLBF, KAEF, SIDO, Share Price


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought panic to Indonesian investors. Share prices in various listed companies in Indonesia have experienced an unprecedented decline. This study tries to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on KLBF, KAEF and SIDO by comparing the average share price of companies before and after the entry of Covid-19 to Indonesia. The issue of Covid-19 entered Indonesia in February 2020. The results of this study indicate that the company's stock price decreased significantly during the 19 days after Covid-19 entered Indonesia compared to 19 days of stock prices before Covid-19 entered Indonesia. The results of hypothesis testing using the independent sample t test show that there are differences in the stock prices of KLBF and SIDO before and after Covid-19 entered Indonesia, but there is no difference in the share price of KAEF before and after Covid-19 entered Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Midesia, S. (2021). Analysis of KLBF, KAEF and SID Share Price Comparison Before and After Covid-19 Enters Indonesia. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 1(2), 101–113.