The Relationship between the Level of Religiosity With Ability in The Ability to Cope with Stress on Students at the Darussalam STIKes Lhokseumawe


  • Abdul Halim Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Darussalam



Ability, Religiosity, Stress


This research aims to find the relationship between the level of religiosity with the ability to cope with stress in students. The population in this research is a student at the Darussalam STIKes Lhokseumawe, totaling 255 people. The sampling technique used in this research is quota sampling of as many as 156 people. This research was carried out on 22 December 2014 and completed on March 14, 2015. The validity of a test carried out at the seat Cut Nyak STIKes Langsa obtained results, questionnaire religiosity of 20 statement 3 is not valid questionnaires and ability to cope with stress than 10 questions 2 is invalid, the invalid items are then researchers removed. The data was collected with a questionnaire that contains allot 17 statements about religiosity and 8 questions about the ability to cope with stress. Data collected is processed with coding, editing, tabulating, processing, and cleaning and then processed using a computer system. The research results obtained that degree of religiosity of the student is in a high category, as many as 119 respondents (76,3%) and low categories, as many as 37 respondents (23.7%), and the ability to cope with stress in students are on a positive category as much as 106 respondents (67,9%) and negative 50 categories of respondents (32.1%). Statistik analysis results using the Chi-Square test p-value = 0.001 shows < α = 0.05 Ha then accepted and H0 is rejected, which means there is a relationship between the level of religiosity and the ability to cope with stress on students at the Darussalam STIKes Lhokseumawe.


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How to Cite

Halim, A. (2022). The Relationship between the Level of Religiosity With Ability in The Ability to Cope with Stress on Students at the Darussalam STIKes Lhokseumawe. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 2(1), 01–14.