The Effect of Teacher Professional Benefits on The Performance of Certified Teachers at Tsanawiyyah State Madrasah (MTsN) in Aceh Utara Regency


  • Muhammad Rizki Aulia Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Negeri Dirundeng Meulaboh Indonesia



Certified Teachers, Performance, Teacher Professional


Efforts taken by the government in overcoming the low quality of education is to improve the quality of its teachers through teacher certification. The government hopes that with the certification of teachers, their performance will increase so that student achievement will increase as well. This study is intended to determine how much the teacher professional allowance factor (X) affects the performance of certified teachers (Y) at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) in North Aceh Regency. The data needed is primary data obtained from the results of questionnaire answers. The sample taken was 166 respondents, namely certified teachers spread over 10 MTsN in each sub-district within the North Aceh Regency. The data processing method uses computerized assistance using SPSS. The test results show the final equation as follows Y = 12.065+0.609X, the correlation coefficient (R) is 0.659 or 65.9%, it shows that the teacher professional allowance has a very close relationship with the performance of certified teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) in the District. North Aceh. Adjusted R Square is worth 0.431 or 43.1% indicating that the independent variable (X) affects the dependent variable (Y) and the remaining 56.9% is influenced by other variables outside this study at a 95% confidence level and the value tcount> ttable. with a confidence level of 95% or = 0.05 of 11.224 while tcount of 1,975 this means tcount> ttable. Thus, the provision of teacher achievement allowances affects the performance of certified teachers at Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri (MTsN) in North Aceh Regency. From the test results it can be suggested that the provision of professional allowances can be continued and even increased, and to further improve teacher performance it is recommended that not only certified teachers be given professional allowances, but also teachers who have not been certified with the aim of equity and quality of education.


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How to Cite

Aulia, M. R. (2021). The Effect of Teacher Professional Benefits on The Performance of Certified Teachers at Tsanawiyyah State Madrasah (MTsN) in Aceh Utara Regency. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 1(1), 15–28.