Exploring the Challenges of Unifying Qur'an Recitation: A Scientific Analysis of Historical Approaches and Current Considerations


  • Radiansyah Radiansyah
  • Malik Muzaffar Shakeer Quaid-i-Azam University Pakistan




Cultural Factors, Historical Approaches, Inclusivity, Qur'an Recitation, Recitation Styles


This research aims to explore the theme of unifying Qur'an recitation by analyzing various sub-themes. The study focuses on linguistic analysis, comparative study of recitation styles, technological tools for analysis, and social and cultural factors. Through linguistic analysis, researchers examine the phonetics, intonation, and pronunciation of different recitation styles to identify patterns and variations. The comparative study compares and contrasts recitation styles to highlight similarities and differences, laying the groundwork for unification. Technological tools such as digital analysis and machine learning algorithms are employed to analyze large datasets of recitation recordings. These tools aid in quantifying differences and identifying commonalities. Additionally, the research explores the social and cultural factors that influence recitation practices, considering historical, geographical, and sociocultural contexts. By understanding these factors, researchers can develop strategies to unify Qur'an recitation while respecting and preserving the diversity of recitation traditions. The findings of this research contribute to a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities in unifying Qur'an recitation and pave the way for a harmonized and universally accepted approach to the recitation of the Qur'an.


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How to Cite

Radiansyah, R., & Shakeer, M. M. . (2023). Exploring the Challenges of Unifying Qur’an Recitation: A Scientific Analysis of Historical Approaches and Current Considerations. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 3(2), 93–108. https://doi.org/10.47766/tharwah.v3i2.2364