Education Effectiveness: The Essence of Home Visits in Improving Student Achievement


  • Lilik Sugiarto Universitas Pembangunan Indonesia



Home Visit, Learning Innovation, Organizational Effectiveness


Every educational institution has a focus on organizing effective educational programs. The core of the educational process is learning. Educational innovation demands flexibility in terms of time and has an impact on the development of learning models, one of which is the home visit model. This study is of a qualitative nature with a literature review technique. Primary data is collected from 40 references with the theme of home visits and educational effectiveness. Many educational institutions organize home visit programs, especially during the time of COVID. Nevertheless, the home visit program plays a crucial role in improving student achievement to attain effective education.


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How to Cite

Sugiarto, L. (2022). Education Effectiveness: The Essence of Home Visits in Improving Student Achievement. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 2(2), 141–160.