Controversy Over the Ottoman Mushaf


  • Niken Ayu Wulandari Universitas Bung Hatta, Padang Sumatera Barat



Al-Qur'an, The Holy Book, Translation Method, Uthmani Mushaf


Al-Qur'an stands as the guiding text for Muslims. The controversy was inseparable from the process of compiling the Qur'an. Most Muslims utilize an Ottoman-style Al-Qur'an manuscript. This study investigates and analyzes the history, method, codification, and rejection of Mushaf Ustmani Manuscripts. Qualitative research with library approaches. The data was compiled from 50 academic publications and sources. The study’s results illustrate the process of codifying the Qur'an and the composition of the Ottoman mushaf during the Caliphate of Ustman bin Afan. One of the objections the Prophet Ibn Mas'ud's companions raised was the composition and generalization of the Qur'an. Some assert that Ibn Mas'ud's rejection was nothing more than orientalist design. The arrangement of the Qur'an's verses distinguishes the Ottoman Mushaf from that of Ibn Masud as the defining trait of the two versions. The Ulama agree, however, that the order of the characters in the Qur'an is not obligatory.


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How to Cite

Wulandari, N. A. (2022). Controversy Over the Ottoman Mushaf. THARWAH: Journal of Islamic Civilization and Thought, 2(2), 117–128.