Ulama and Knowledge in Modern Aceh: Abu Teupin Raya on Religious Sciences


  • Zuhri Arif Universitas Al Washliyah (UNIVA) Medan, Indonesia
  • Habib Zarbaliyev Azerbaijan University of Languages, Azerbaijan
  • Ja'far Ja'far Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe, Indonesia




ulama, Aceh, religious sciences, dayah, intellectual networks


Abstract: This article examines the intellectual tradition of Abu Teupin Raya in Aceh. The researcher utilizes the theories of Martin van Bruinessen, Zamaksyari Dhofier, and Azyumardi Azra on pesantren and the tradition of yellow books (kitab kuning), as well as the theory of Syed Muhammad Naquib al-Attas on the classification of knowledge. This study is a literature review with a historical approach. Primary data, including the writings of Abu Teupin Raya and various biographical notes, are analysed using content analysis methods. The study argues that Abu Teupin Raya is an Acehnese scholar who successfully transmitted traditional Islam as found in yellow books written by several scholars of the Ahl al-Sunnah wa al-Jamā‘ah and Shāfi‘i schools. Additionally, he expanded the treasury of traditional Islam by composing his own books, some of which were written in Malay using Arabic script. Abu Teupin Raya is a traditionalist scholar who preserved elements of traditional Islam and actively safeguarded religious knowledge through teaching and writing yellow books during the Aceh conflict. This study contributes to the study of Islam in Aceh.

Keywords: ulama, Aceh, religious sciences, dayah, intellectual networks



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How to Cite

Arif, Z., Zarbaliyev, H., & Ja’far, J. (2023). Ulama and Knowledge in Modern Aceh: Abu Teupin Raya on Religious Sciences. Nahrasiyah: Journal of Aceh and Malay Archipelago Heritage, 1(1), 69–83. https://doi.org/10.47766/nahrasiyah.v1i1.2502


