JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature <p><strong>JETLEE: </strong>Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature is a peer-review journal published by English Education Department, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, State Islamic Institute of Lhokseumawe. The journal is devoted to research in the fields of second or foreign language, as well as English Language Teaching, Literature and Linguistics. The Journal offers open access information and ideas about language learning and teaching theories, research, methods, and materials. The journal publishes twice a year in February and August. The Journal welcomes contributions that take account of both practitioners and researchers' shared professional interests to establish a connection between theory and practices.</p> <p>Further, the collaboration between a journal and a lecturers' association can be a mutually beneficial relationship that promotes scholarship, research, and professional development in the field of education. In this case, the journal has established a partnership with the English Lecturers' Association (ELITE), which is dedicated to advancing the fields of English language, linguistics, and teaching in Indonesian Islamic institutions. By working together, the journal and ELITE aim to provide high-quality articles and publications that contribute to the advancement of knowledge in their respective fields.</p> <p>As part of this collaboration, the journal offers peer-review and editing services to who are submitting articles for publication. This process helps to ensure that the articles meet the rigorous standards of the journal and that they are of the highest quality possible. The peer-review process also provides valuable feedback to the authors, which they can use to refine their work and improve their research. Additionally, the editing services provided by the journal help to ensure that the articles are well-written, clear, and easy to understand, which is essential for effective communication of research findings.</p> <p>Through this collaboration, the journal and ELITE are able to foster a community of scholars and practitioners who are committed to advancing the fields of English language, linguistics, and teaching. By providing high-quality articles and publications, they are able to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of educational practices in Indonesia and beyond. Overall, this collaboration is an excellent example of how partnerships between journals and professional associations can promote excellence in research and education.</p> JETLEE: Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature en-US JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2747-1721 The Denotative and Connotative Meaning in Song Lyrics Entitled “Sandals” by Khai Dreams <p>Music is a personal representation of oneself that utter their meaning in harmonic way. Music can utter sign that was born and inherit the complex characteristic of object manifested directly within context of being represented. Messages manifest throughout every music come from extraction of cultural phenomenon and belief to make the identity of music become vulnerable. Love contains emotional feeling of person to another person in showing their care as a mean to build relationship close towards each other. Songs entitled “Sandals” by Khai Dreams tells a relation of love with a struggle to achieve his everlasting moment with his beloved one but the situation make it hard to deal for him that always put him in a one-sided love. This study use lyrics song of “Sandals” as a primary data and further to be analyzed according to its descriptive content of denotation, connotation and the myth around the object area. The denotative meaning in this song tell the story of a man resembled as “I”, “me” and “my” in a struggle to keep his love fulfilled within those long time of wait. The connotative meaning in this song expand the background of meaning within denotative perspective that the man anticipation of love event somehow feels like a journey that he never expect to make it out even with the rival of love he faced, an unperfect love he deal towards his loved one and his sincerity towards his loved one over his struggle.</p> Alifsya Salam R. Myrna Nur Sakinah Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-01 2024-08-01 4 2 127 138 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.1077 The Use of YouTube as a Supplementary Resource for Informatic Engineering Students in Speaking Skills <p><em>The integration of audio-visual elements in educational resources has garnered significant interest, given their potential to enhance language learning efficiency. This study delves into the innovative use of such audio-visual tools, specifically YouTube, in speaking classes for students from non-English departments. The shift from conventional in-class language learning to online platforms, a change accelerated by the global Covid-19 pandemic, has revolutionized learning methodologies. This research offers a glimpse into the perspectives of ten Informatics Engineering students on utilizing YouTube videos for English language learning outside the traditional classroom setting. Employing a qualitative research methodology, the investigators conducted comprehensive interviews and classroom observations. The initial phase of data analysis involved data reduction, which was subsequently followed by further data condensation and conclusion derivation. The findings suggest that the majority of participants agreed on the significant influence of YouTube on their speaking class. Despite a handful of students facing network-related challenges, the study underscored that this web-based platform served as a valuable, cost-free supplementary resource for the speaking class.</em></p> Fu’ad Sholikhi Yusniarsi Primasari Fany Octa Briliani Primasari Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-02 2024-08-02 4 2 139 152 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.2738 Utilizing Social Media in EFL Blended Learning: Challenges, Strategies and Opportunities <p><em>In English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classroom settings, the rapid evolution of digital technology has had a substantial impact on educational methodologies. This paper investigates the potential of social media to improve EFL blended learning instruction, with a particular emphasis on the higher education context of Indonesia. Innovative tools for promoting student engagement, motivation, and autonomous learning are available on social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. Nevertheless, the implementation of these social media platforms also presents obstacles, such as potential privacy concerns, distractions, and unequal access to digital resources. This investigation examines the current body of literature regarding the utilization of social media in EFL blended learning purposes. Social media can significantly improve the EFL learning experience by offering flexible, interactive, and engaging learning opportunities when strategically implemented, according to the results. The paper concludes with suggestions for policymakers and educators to facilitate the successful integration of social media into EFL education, thereby guaranteeing that technological advancements have a beneficial impact on student learning outcomes.the other.</em></p> Martunis Martunis Muntasir Muntasir Khairul Azmy Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-06 2024-08-06 4 2 153 168 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.2765 Research Article Trends Globally on Translation: A Bibliometric Analysis with ScienceDirect Database <p><em>Bibliometric analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for understanding research trends in translation studies. By systematically analyzing large volumes of academic publications, bibliometric methods were able to reveal patterns and trends that might not be immediately apparent. The data for this bibliometric analysis were collected from the ScienceDirect database, The search focused on research articles related to translation studies published between 2015 and 2024. The keyword used was “translation” to identify relevant publications. Two main conclusions were drawn from this research. First, VOSviewer provided a global map of existing research, in this context based on the ScienceDirect database. The visualization of co-occurrences of the keyword “translation” showed that a substantial amount of research has been conducted about translation studies, such as translation related to culture, higher education, the use of questionnaires in such research, translation studies in China or France, and several other aspects. This also revealed that research on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for translation had not been extensively conducted, such as the translation using ChatGPT, Google Bard AI, DeepL Translate, and others. Second, regarding authorship visualization, the visualization provided by VOSviewer helped researchers quickly identify authors or researchers who could be referenced in translation studies.</em></p> Niswatin Nurul Hidayati Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 4 2 169 189 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.2868 Exploring the Challenges Faced by ESP Students in Writing Academic Essay <p>Academic writing plays a fundamental role in both school and university settings, serving as a primary means of communication and assessment across disciplines. This research employed a qualitative approach to investigate the challenges encountered by ESP students, particularly economics students in composing English academic essays. This research was conducted in East Java, Indonesia. The qualitative component involved the documentation, semi-structured interview, and analysis of students' English essays to ascertain these obstacles and semi structured interview. There are 10 second-semester students selected as participants of this study enrolled in the Management Study Program from one private university in East Java, Indonesia during the academic year 2023/2024. The analysis of students' essay writing problems reveals several key areas of concern. These include issues with organization (writing format), task completion, originality, content and discourse, and writing mechanics. ESP students often face challenges in academic essay writing due to gaps in specialized vocabulary, grammar, and unfamiliarity with academic conventions, exacerbated by limited practice and insufficient feedback. To address these issues, educator should provide targeted language support, integrate writing-intensive courses, offer detailed feedback, and establish accessible writing resources.</p> Dwita Laksmita Rachmawati Dian Fadhilawati Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-09 2024-08-09 4 2 190 206 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.2962 Metaphors of Faith: Exploring Spiritual Journey through Concrete Analogies in Nick Vujicic's Works <p>The concept of belief stands as a cornerstone in religion, shaping personal identities and worldviews. Nick Vujicic, born with Tetra-amelia syndrome, exemplifies how profound faith can empower individuals. His journey from early familial challenges to becoming a renowned motivational speaker and evangelist is rooted in his unwavering belief in God. Vujicic's expressions of faith, documented in his writings, provide a compelling case for exploring how conceptual metaphor theory illuminates his understanding and communication of faith-related experiences. This theory suggests that metaphors structure cognition by linking abstract ideas to concrete domains, offering insights into how religious beliefs are internalized and conveyed. The aims of this study are to describe and analyze the conceptual metaphors which occur from the words “faith” in the book Be the Hands and Feet: Living Out God’s Love for All His Children, and to describe and analyze the image schema transformation from the word “faith” in the books. The research employs a descriptive qualitative method to explore the conceptual metaphors of "faith" within Nick Vujicic's books. The methodology involves searching and exploring textual passages that discuss "faith," followed by detailed analysis and classification of conceptual metaphors—specifically, ontological, structural, and orientational metaphors—identified within the text. The results of this study the author found four metaphors, namely faith is a vehicle, faith is a building, faith is a human, and faith is a journey.</p> Amelia Meidhiatiningsih Sani Insan Muhamadi Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-10 2024-08-10 4 2 207 223 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.3110 Analyzing the Impacts of Implementing Cambridge Curriculum on Students’ English Academic Achievement <p>The Cambridge Curriculum, which is typically implemented in international standard schools, is the primary focus of this investigation. Nevertheless, Assalafiyah Islamic Junior High School, a boarding school, has incorporated the Cambridge Curriculum into its educational program. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of the implementation of the Cambridge Curriculum on Students' English Academic achievement in VIII Graders of Assalafiyah Islamic Junior High School Mlangi Yogyakarta. The academic performance of eighth-grade students was compared under two distinct curricula: the 2013 Curriculum and the Cambridge Curriculum, using a mixed-methods approach. The grades of 89 students in three classes (A, B, and C) were analyzed to collect quantitative data under both curricula. Further, interviews were conducted with 12 participants from the Islamic Junior High School in Mlangi, Yogyakarta, including 6 male students, 5 female students, and 1 teacher, for the qualitative analysis. The results of this study indicated that the application of the Cambridge Curriculum on Students' English Academic achievement of VIII graders had a very good impact. The students increased in terms of academic scores when learning using Cambridge Curriculum compared to the previous Curriculum. Besides, they were more enthusiastic in participating in the English lessons in class.</p> Mailatun Nazizah Khusnul Harsul Lisan Berli Arta Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-20 2024-08-20 4 2 224 239 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.2898 The Analysis of Mood and Speech Function in the Tenth-grade English Textbook of Senior High School <p>This study is intended to analyze the narrative texts involved in the tenth-grade English textbook published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture In this case, this research only focuses on mood types and speech functions. This qualitative study uses discourse analysis. The writer analyzed the data using three stages outlined by Miles and Huberman (2014). The first process is data condensation, during which the writer selects, focuses, simplifies, abstracts, and transforms. In the second phase, the author presents the data using a coding system.The final step is to draw a conclusion or verify it. The writer in this step calculated the data into percentage and gives the description to describe the percentage. From the data and the analysis has done, there are 214 clauses found in the three narrative texts in the tenth-grade English textbook published by Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture. Therefore, the dominant mood used in the narrative texts in the tenth-grade English textbook published by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture is the declarative mood, with a total number of 191 clauses with a percentage of 89,25%. For the speech function, the percentage of the statement clauses was 89,25% (191 statements were found). The dominant speech function used in the narrative texts in the tenth-grade English textbook. This study has some consequences for how teachers choose words while teaching. The teacher might use a precise format when instructing the students so that they recognize what the teacher is saying. Furthermore, teachers must be able to select the appropriate words while expressing, asking, offering, and demanding while teaching English to students in the classroom so that the students can understand the teachers' statements, commands, questions, and offers.</p> Zukhrufa Zahra Wina Azkia Sri Sarwanti Agnira Rekha Copyright (c) 2024 JETLEE : Journal of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature 2024-08-29 2024-08-29 4 2 240 255 10.47766/jetlee.v4i2.3232