Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education <p><strong>GENDERANG ASA</strong>: Journal of Primary Education | ISSN <a href="">2774-8235</a> (print) and <a href="">2775-8788</a> (electronic) is a journal published in the Study Program of Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education at the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training at the State Islamic Institute of Lhokseumawe. This journal is published twice a year in June and December. Furthermore, this journal is published in two versions: print and online. The focus of this journal contains articles concerning research on Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Teacher Education / Primary / Islamic Elementary School (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) / Elementary School (Sekolah Dasar) Teacher Education, such as competency analysis, learning strategies, learning theory, learning development, and educator professionalism. Reviewers will review any submitted paper. The review process employs a double-blind review.</p> PGMI IAIN Lhokseumawe en-US Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2774-8235 Profil Pelajar Pancasila Sebagai Implementasi Nilai Moral Peserta Didik Sekolah Dasar <p><em>Inculcation of moral values at the earliest opportunity as an effort to increase the student moral. That effort can be a learning benchmark for the teacher by implementation of Pancasila student profiles. Therefore the objective of this research is to analyze the Pancasila student profiles as an implementation for moral values of elementary students. This research used descriptive qualitative method at SD N 03 Metro Barat 2023. The data collecting technique is a questionnaire with questionnaire assessment instrument, the indicator that based on Kemendikbud 2021. The guarantor of data validity used triangulation. Then, the data was used by Miles and Huberman model that are data reduction, data serving, and conclusion creating. The result of this research shows that the student moral value is decrease time by time. The researcher found that there was limited control from the school, so the teacher could not know whether the student continues do the implementation of Pancasila student profiles or not. </em></p> Tensya Wardani Indah Triliyani Desi Masayu Putri Firma Andrian Satria Nugraha Adiwijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 5 1 1 11 10.47766/jga.v5i1.2054 Strategi Guru Profesional di Era Digital dalam Pembelajaran <p><em>Professional teacher educator who&nbsp; have ability too improve the&nbsp; quality of learning with</em> <em>he experience. in the digital era&nbsp; it also effect to educational institutions in indonesia</em> <em>because it is be challenge for the teacher to provide&nbsp; effective&nbsp; quality of learning and accordance with the&nbsp; development of&nbsp; the digital. thee purpose of this research to describe the strategy&nbsp; used by proffesional teacher to&nbsp; utilize tecnology&nbsp; in the digital era to&nbsp; learning</em><em>. T</em><em>he metode were use in this research is literature study. we search the data of this reseach with article - article Publis Or Perish with keyword “proffesional teacher&nbsp; and elementry learning in the digital area”. </em><em>F</em><em>rom several</em> <em>articles,</em> <em>indentification, data selection,</em> <em>feasibility test and data analysis. so it has 5 articles according to the literature purpose</em><em>. T</em><em>he result from the literature have a importent point specifically</em> <em>to proffesional teacher in the digital era consist of three competencies</em><em>: </em><em>se of digital devices</em><em>, </em><em>use of computer application programs</em><em>, </em><em>teacher skill to using</em> <em>of application computer program for learning</em><em>. L</em><em>earning in the digital era to accordance with the needs of elementry school which focus on fun and entertaining of learning</em><em>.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keyword</em></strong><em>: </em>Digital Era, Proffesional Teacher, Elementry School</p> Nur Azizah Fitriani Rusy Dina Firjanah Erika Tia Larasati Firma Andrian Satria Nugraha Adiwijaya Copyright (c) 2024 Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 5 1 12 25 10.47766/jga.v5i1.2056 Stop Toxic Parenting : Wujudkan Pola Asuh yang Baik dalam Membangun Fisik dan Mental Anak <p>Pola asuh orang tua akan berdampak besar bagi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan seorang anak. Peran orang tua dalam mendidik dan mengasuh anak akan menentukan bagaimana tumbuh kembang fisik, mental, emosional, dan karakter anak tersebut di masa yang akan datang. <em>Toxic Parenting </em>merupakan pola asuh yang salah di mana orang tua cenderung mengarah pada hal yang tidak baik dalam mengasuh anaknya. Hal ini biasanya ditandai dengan melakukan kekerasan fisik dan juga kekerasan verbal, yang mana hal ini dapat menjadi racun bagi anak dalam kepribadiannya. Toxic parenting memberikan dampak negatif yang sangat besar bagi seorang anak, selain berpengaruh pada kesehatan mental dan fisiknya pada masa itu, kelak di masa depan hal ini dapat terulang kembai di saat dia sudah menjadi orang tua dan menjadikannya seorang <em>toxic parents</em>.</p> Alivia Slsabila Mila Hanifah Mufid Irsyad Virza Qurrota A’yun Copyright (c) 2024 Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 5 1 26 40 Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Cooperative Script Terhadap Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematis Pada Siswa Kelas IV SD N 1 Blang Mangat <p><em>The mathematical communication skills of elementary school students in mathematics are still low. In the learning process students have difficulty explaining and completing the material that has been taught by the teacher. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the Cooperative Script learning model on the mathematical communication skills of fourth grade students at SDN 1 Blang Mangat. This study used a quantitative approach, with a Quasi-Experimental type, the population in this study were all fourth grade students at SDN 1 Blang Mangat, totaling 51 students. Withdrawal of this research sample using total sampling technique. In this study, the experimental class was class IV A with a total of 26 students, and the control class was class IV B with a total of 25 students. Data collection techniques used instruments in the form of pre-tests and post-tests which totaled 5 fractional questions in the form of descriptions. The results of data analysis using SPSS version 22, hypothesis testing using the Mann Whitney test. Based on the results of the final analysis using the Mann Whitney test, an Asymp Sig value of 0.708 was obtained at a significance level of 0.05. Asymp Sig = 0.708 &gt; 0.05 then Ha is rejected and Ho is accepted, thus this study can be concluded that there is no effect of the cooperative script learning model on mathematical communication skills in fourth grade students of SDN 1 Blang Mangat. The cause of the hypothesis has no effect, namely the indicators on mathematical communication skills are not met as a whole.</em></p> Mawar Agustina Samsul Bahri Misrina Copyright (c) 2024 Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 5 1 41 52 10.47766/jga.v5i1.1869 Pengaruh Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Auditory Intellectually Repetition (Air) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Tematik Siswa Kelas VI SD Sabir (Sekolah Alam Bireun) <p>A less than optimal learning process can result in low learning outcomes. In improving student learning outcomes, it is necessary to apply a learning model that is appropriate to the material presented in the learning process so that the planned learning objectives can be achieved. One alternative learning model that is suitable for thematic learning is the Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) learning model. The Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) learning model emphasizes 3 aspects, namely learning by listening, critical thinking, and repetition. The aim of this research was to determine the effect of implementing the Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) learning model on the thematic learning outcomes of class VI students at SABIR Elementary School. The research approach used is a quantitative approach with experimental research type. The results of the research show that the application of the Auditory Intellectually Repetition (AIR) learning model has a significant effect on the thematic learning outcomes of Class VI students at SABIR Elementary School.</p> Muthmainnah Muthmainnah Copyright (c) 2024 Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 5 1 56 65 10.47766/jga.v5i1.2794 Peningkatan Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Kelas IV melalui Strategi Belajar Kooperatif Index Card Match <p>This study assesses how the Index Card Match cooperative learning technique affects fourth-grade students' scientific learning results. Thirty students were split into experimental and control groups for this quasi-experimental study, which used a pretest-posttest control group. There were fifteen pretest and posttest questions in all. Science achievement exams were used to gather data before and after the intervention. Paired and independent t-tests were used for analysis. With a significance value of Sig= 0.859 &gt; 0.005, the results demonstrated that the experimental group employing the Index Card Match approach had significantly better learning outcomes than the control group using traditional teaching strategies. These results suggest that the Index Card Match method works well for both raising students' social skills and their comprehension of science ideas. The study concludes that teachers should incorporate the Index Card Match cooperative learning approach into their lesson plans to improve student learning outcomes and educational quality.</p> Neng Dewi Destiawati Sarah Noviana Mirawati Mirawati Juhji Juhji Copyright (c) 2024 Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 5 1 66 79 10.47766/jga.v5i1.2869 Evaluasi Pembelajaran Sekolah Dasar Berbasis Pendidikan Karakter dan Multikultural <p>Learning evaluation is the overarching concept which both depends upon measurements and assessment to make a composite judgment or decision. Character education and multicultural learning evaluation in elementary school (SD) adjusted with level thinking of the children in elementary school. Where there are still in early stages of the abstract. Character education is a system of cultivation of character values to the school community, which includes knowledge, awareness or volition, and actions to implement these values, both of the Almighty God (Almighty), ourselves, others, the environment, and national so that the perfect man to be human. While, indeed multicultural education becomes an integral part in all levels of education. Therefore the value investment multicultural ideally applied in all of subjects at formal education.</p> Marliyah Marliyah Copyright (c) 2024 Genderang Asa: Journal of Primary Education 2024-06-18 2024-06-18 5 1 80 87 10.47766/jga.v5i1.2500