Mukhabarah sebagai Problem Solver Umat


  • Nazaruddin Nazaruddin Institut Agama Islam Negeri Lhokseumawe


Epistemologi, Paradigma Islam, Revitalisasi Muzara’ah


The concept of Mukhabarah as a problem solver for the ummah and  mukhabarah is also an Islamic intellectual legacy whose practice can be  applied in the reality of people's lives. The application of the Mukhabarah in  the era of modern society is carried out with a mechanism that is relevant to  the existing development but remains consistent with the basis and values of  Islamic ideality. This paper explores several things that are descriptive and  exploratory with a sociological and welfare approach. The application of  mukhabarah is limited to agriculture, however, this does not rule out the  possibility of developing other fields with the basic principle of profit sharing.  Mukhabarah aims to open up land that is not empowered to prosper land.  Absorb labor to manage for those who do not own land, reduce the gap  between capital and landowners and tenants, and boost land productivity.  Mukhabarah shows that the concept still exists despite changing times by  innovating operational techniques, institutionalizing the Mukhabarah to be  practical and useful to the community generally, aims towards improving  conditions by presenting Mukhabarah as a comprehensive solution for the  people.


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Laporan Bulanan Data Sosial Ekonomi, diakses 17 Juli 2019.




How to Cite

Nazaruddin, N. (2019). Mukhabarah sebagai Problem Solver Umat. Al Mabhats : Jurnal Penelitian Sosial Agama, 4(2), 245–269. Retrieved from