Al-Hiwalah : Journal Syariah Economic Law <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Al-Hiwalah Journal:</strong> Is a Sharia Economic Law Journal (Online/electronic) with<a href=""> ISSN: 2963-0304</a>, namely a double anonymous peer reviewed scientific journal, which focuses on disseminating research results in the fields of Fiqh, Islamic Law, Fiqh Muamalah, and Sharia Economics. This journal is published by the Sharia Economic Law Department, Sharia Faculty, Lhokseumawe State Islamic Institute in collaboration with the LPPM IAIN Lhokseumawe Journal House.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>Publication Schedule:</strong> The Sharia Economic Law Journal is published regularly twice a year, namely in June and December each year.</p> <p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>General Manuscript Conditions:</strong> Please read and understand the author guidelines thoroughly . Writers who send manuscripts to the editorial team of the Sharia Economic Law Journal must follow the guidelines for writing manuscripts in accordance with the "article template" which is available and can be downloaded on the side bar of this website. If the submitted manuscript does not follow the guidelines or uses a different format, it will be rejected by the editorial team before being reviewed. The Editorial Team will only accept manuscripts that meet the specified format requirements.</p> Hukum Ekonomi Syariah en-US Al-Hiwalah : Journal Syariah Economic Law 2963-0304 Analysis of the Role of the Creative Economy in Advancing Product Business at MTs Al-Jauhariyah <p>This study aims to analyze the role of the creative economy to improve product business in MTs Al-Jauhariyah. In addition to being an educational center, secondary schools also have the potential as a locus of local economic development through creative products. The creative economy is the main focus to increase competitiveness and economic contribution from product businesses in the school environment. Using qualitative research methods, data were collected through in-depth interviews with related parties, direct observation, and documentation studies. The results showed that creativity, innovation, and invention play a key role in the development of product business in this school. In terms of product concept, innovation and differentiation through the creative economy provide significant added value. Factors such as local community involvement, utilization of local resources, and integration of curriculum with creative economy aspects also strengthen the positive impact on the development of product business at MTs Al-Jauhariyah. This research contributes to the practical and theoretical understanding of how the creative economy can be implemented in secondary education environments, exactly in MTs Al-Jauhariyah. This finding can be a foundation for policy makers, schools, and education practitioners to optimize the role of the creative economy in developing product businesses in similar institutions. In addition, this research also opens opportunities for further research related to the integration of creative economy concepts in the context of formal education.</p> Abd Rohim Copyright (c) 2024 Abd Rohim 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 1 12 10.47766/alhiwalah.v3i1.2090 Innovation in Distribution of Wealth Through Zakat: Building Shared Prosperity by Applying Tafsir Qs. At-Taubah Verse 60 <p>Whether it is recognized or not, there are many things in society problems related to the economy,especially not equal distribution of income between one group and another others that cause social and economic disparities.To overcome this problem, zakat is the obligation of every Muslim for those who have fulfilled the requirements to accomplish this, become an alternative solution for overcome this problem. In this case distribution Zakat funds are the most important part of building shared prosperity. But in this era of globalization of course. The distribution of zakat requires new innovations through application of QS interpretation. at-taubah verse 60 effectively, efficiently and relevant to the development of the times by doing various collaborations and modern distribution models. Tree The discussion in this article is the application of QS interpretation. At-Taubah verse 60 which emphasizes the concept of caring, justice and economic equality by combining new innovations to create a more effective system in building economic prosperity, of course can be realized by applying eight groups mustahiq who has the right to receive and utilize funds zakat.</p> Uswatun Hasanah Harisah Harisah Mohammad Ali Al Humaidy Copyright (c) 2024 Uswatun Hasanah, Harisah 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 13 31 10.47766/alhiwalah.v3i1.2568 The Tradition of Donating Celebrations with the Potangan System in a Review of Sharia Economic Law <p>This research aims to explain in depth the description of sharia economic law regarding the deduction system in the tradition of <em>nyumbang</em> to celebrations in the Ulujami community. This research is library research with a qualitative approach. The data sources used in this research come from various literature journal articles that are relevant to the research topic and describe the facts which are then continued with analysis. The data analysis method used is content analysis of the literature sources used in the research. The tradition of <em>nyumbang</em> in Ulujami shows a strong sense of mutual trust and cooperation between givers and recipients. Trust is a type of trust that people have in each other when interacting with each other in activities based on bonds of brotherhood, mutual giving, and mutual agreement with the aim of producing moral and material benefits for both parties. The Ulujami community has various types of celebrations, including circumcisions, weddings, house building, and even recitation of the Koran. They also carry out a tradition of donating called "<em>potangan</em>" which means bequeathing some of their wealth in the hope that it will be returned during future celebrations. With this phenomenon, how Islam responds to the phenomenon of the cutting system is through the tradition of contributing to the Ulujami.</p> Natasya Stifani Fitri Kurniawati Copyright (c) 2024 Natasya Stifani, Fitri Kurniawati 2024-06-29 2024-06-29 3 1 32 48 10.47766/alhiwalah.v3i1.2612 Effectiveness of Recruitment and Selection in Improving Employee Performance at PNM Mekaar Unit Kadur 2 <p><em>Recruitment is to provide qualified prospective employees in line with the company’s strategy, insight and values to help reduce the possibility of employee turnover. The recruitment process at PMN Mekaar Unit Kadur 2 pays more attention to the quantity aspect. This can be seen from the fact that prospective employees who register there are accepted easily, because the conditions are easy and the process is short. The focus of this research is the recruitment and selection process in improving employee performance at PNM Mekaar Unit Kadur 2. The objective of this research are to 1) determnine the employee recruitment and selection process, 2) identify obstacles in the recruitment adn selection process, and 3) determine the effectiveness recruitment and selection in improving employee performance at PNM Mekaar Unit Kadur 2. The methot use in this research is qualitative descriptive analysis technique with basic research. For data collection, interview techniques, focus groups, documentation were used. The result of the research show that 1) The stages of the recruitment process include employee request, publication of job vacancies, application process, job interviews and psychological tests, employee selection and field test, and employment contracts. 2) The obstacle faced by the company is that employees easily get discouraged, due to the toxic environment and non compliance with work contracts, and 3) Through the five effectiveness criteria, recruitment and selection are found to be ineffective. Meanwhile, through the six employee perfomance criteriam the recruitment and selection process has a very positive effect on employee performance in the quality, quantity and cost effectiveness indicators and has a negative effect on employee performance in the timelines, need for supervision and interpersonal impact indicators.</em></p> Nurul Iman Nurul Hidayati Copyright (c) 2024 Nurul Hidayati, Nurul Iman 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 49 65 10.47766/alhiwalah.v3i1.2879 Sharia Economic Dispute Resolution Model According to Qanun No. 11 of 2018 concerning Sharia Financial Institutions <p>When many business entity activities start to appear that use the sharia label, the resolution must be carried out by institutions that truly understand sharia economics. So, creating economic products that have the term sharia attached to them is not easy and requires various kinds of adjustments, such as; applicable laws and regulations, contemporary economic developments in global society which tend to be value-free, varied transaction models, and so on. All of this must be able to be adjusted to sharia principles. The problem formulation in this research is: What is the Sharia Economic Dispute Resolution Model seen from Qanun No. 11 of 2018 concerning Sharia Financial Institutions? The type of research used is library research, namely by studying and examining sources. written text that is relevant to the discussion material. The results of this research are a model for Sharia Economic Dispute Resolution after the implementation of Qanun No. 11 of 2018 concerning Sharia Financial Institutions, a model for resolving disputes through non-litigation (outside of court), namely a model for resolving disputes that is carried out using methods that exist outside of court. usually called an alternative dispute resolution institution.</p> Syamsul Rizal Cut Dara Muammar Khadafi Kafrawi Kafrawi Husnaini Husnaini zulhamdi zulhamdi Copyright (c) 2024 Syamsul Rizal, zulhamdi 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 66 86 10.47766/alhiwalah.v3i1.2893 The Leadership Role of Branch Heads in Motivating Employee Performance at BMT NU East Java Camplong Sampang Branch <p style="text-align: justify;"><span class="s7">Kepemimpinan</span> <span class="s7">merupakan</span> <span class="s7">suatu</span> <span class="s7">usaha</span> <span class="s7">dariseorang</span> <span class="s7">pemimpin</span> <span class="s7">untuk</span> <span class="s7">dapat</span> <span class="s7">merealisasikan</span> <span class="s7">tujuanindividu</span> <span class="s7">ataupun</span> <span class="s7">tujuan</span> <span class="s7">organisasi. Oleh karena</span> <span class="s7">itu, pemimpin</span> <span class="s7">diharapkan</span> <span class="s7">dapat memengaruhi, mendukung, dan memberikan</span> <span class="s7">motivasi agar para pengikutnya</span> <span class="s7">tersebutmau</span> <span class="s7">melaksanakannya</span> <span class="s7">secara</span> <span class="s7">antusias</span> <span class="s7">dalam</span> <span class="s7">mencapaitujuan yang diinginkan</span> <span class="s7">baik</span> <span class="s7">secara</span> <span class="s7">individu</span> <span class="s7">maupunorganisasi. Peran kepemimpinan</span> <span class="s7">dalam</span> <span class="s7">suatu</span> <span class="s7">perusahaanmerupakan inti dari</span> <span class="s7">dari</span> <span class="s7">manajemen dan memiliki</span> <span class="s7">kaitanyang sangat erat</span> <span class="s7">dengan</span> <span class="s7">motivasi</span> <span class="s7">kerja. Hal ini</span> <span class="s7">terjaditepatnya di BMT NU Jawa Timur Cabang CamplongSampang, peran</span> <span class="s7">pemimpin</span> <span class="s7">kepala</span> <span class="s7">cabang</span> <span class="s7">dalammemotivasi</span> <span class="s7">karyawannya, agar karyawannya</span> <span class="s7">lebihterpusatkan</span> <span class="s7">untuk</span> <span class="s7">mencapai</span> <span class="s7">sasaran-sasaran</span> <span class="s7">organisasidan mendapatkan</span> <span class="s7">hasil</span> <span class="s7">kerja</span> <span class="s7">kerasnya. Tujuan Penelitianini</span> <span class="s7">adalah</span> <span class="s7">menjelaskan</span> <span class="s7">peran</span> <span class="s7">kepemimpinan</span> <span class="s7">kepalacabang</span> <span class="s7">dalam</span> <span class="s7">memotivasi</span> <span class="s7">kinerja</span> <span class="s7">karyawan dan dampakperan</span> <span class="s7">kepemimpinan</span> <span class="s7">kepala</span> <span class="s7">cabang</span> <span class="s7">dalam</span> <span class="s7">memotivasiterhadap</span> <span class="s7">kinerja</span> <span class="s7">karyawan. Adapun desain</span> <span class="s7">penelitian</span> <span class="s7">inimenggunakan</span> <span class="s7">penelitian</span> <span class="s7">kualitatif</span> <span class="s7">dengan</span> <span class="s7">teknikpengumpulan data melalui</span> <span class="s7">observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Peneliti</span> <span class="s7">menganalisis data denganmenggunakan</span> <span class="s7">teknik</span> <span class="s7">deksriptif</span> <span class="s7">kualitatif. Hasil penelitian</span> <span class="s7">ini</span> <span class="s7">menunjukkan</span> <span class="s7">bahwa</span> <span class="s7">peran</span> <span class="s7">kepemimpinankepala</span> <span class="s7">cabang</span> <span class="s7">di BMT NU Jawa</span> <span class="s7">Timur Cabang Camplong Sampang</span> <span class="s7">membawa</span> <span class="s7">pengaruh</span> <span class="s7">dalammembangun motivasi</span> <span class="s7">kinerja</span> <span class="s7">karyawan</span> <span class="s7">dalam</span> <span class="s7">mencapaitarget di sebuah</span> <span class="s7">perusahaan</span> <span class="s7">atau</span> <span class="s7">organisasi.</span></p> Sitti Aisyah Copyright (c) 2024 Sitti Aisyah 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 3 1 87 97 10.47766/alhiwalah.v3i1.3141